Canada's most affordable and flexible Micro MV To DVD service.
- A personal service by a videographer with 10 years of video experience.
- Costs just $15 CAD (for USB)/$20 CAD (for DVD) per 60 minutes of video; extra copies are just $12. Lowest professional transfer prices in Canada, but with the highest quality.
- Turnaround time of 2-4 days for 6 hours or less. 6.5 - 10 hours require up to 7 days. More than 10 hours will require additional time.
- NTSC/PAL MicroMV to DVD or Computer file.
- Resume reels of actors, camera operators and producers provided for TV, movie industries and casting agencies.
- Verbatim AZO DVD's used for all DVD transfers.
Transfer Your MicroMV To DVD Today!
Released in 2001 as a means of making camcorders smaller, Sony's MicroMV (also, erroneously called MicroDV) was the smallest video tape ever invented. Capable of recording standard-definition video in the MPEG-2 format using the 4:2:0 color scheme (same as DVD), but having a constant bit rate of 12Mbps, which is higher than DVD's maximum of 9.5 Mbps. Even with the video tape being small, it still provided good quality video.
However, if you have tried to transfer your MicroMV videos to PC or Mac yourself, you may have found that the supplied Movieshaker software is very questionable, not just on computers running Windows XP (and the software never had Mac support), but with newer Windows 10 and 11 as well (as the last Movieshaker update was in 2003, the program rarely works on newer computers). MicroMV was also not supported by many video editing packages, so very few programs could recognize it, even if they recognized other MPEG-2 sources.
Also, MPEG-2 is not a good editing format. Due to the way it compresses the video, even re-compressing the video to DVD's MPEG-2 will result in significant video loss. This is one of the reasons, along with no support for the MPEG file, why I transfer MicroMV video to DVD or digital file using a high-quality S-VIdeo capture. This provides very reliable and high quality results, since I am capturing from an uncompressed analog video playback to digital; this way removes the MPEG codec from the picture.
Broadcast NTSC/Laserdisc
4.2 MHz (Luminance), 3.58 MHz (Chroma), 4:2:0 (Digital Broadcast Sampling)
NTSC And PAL MicroMV Recordings
As far as I'm aware, none of the MicroMV camcorders released for both the NTSC and PAL markets were able to record in an LP or SLP mode, so all tapes would only be able to hold 60 minutes max.
Even though the specifications of the camcorders said that the camera's were able to record in "16:9 Wide (Full) Recording", not all camera's were able to record in anamorphic widescreen. Some camera's shot in non-anamorphic "Letterbox" format. When you shot in this format the camera actually cut off the top and bottom of the screen to give you that "widescreen" look. These videos will not be put on your USB or DVD in Anamorphic Widescreen as the quality would suffer due to not having enough pixels; for these recordings the video's will be put on in non-anamorphic widescreen. What this means is that when you are watching the DVD on an older Standard-Definition 4:3 TV (the type that has been around since the 1940's), the video will look just like any other widescreen movie where you have the black bars on the top and bottom. On a current 16:9 Widescreen TV, this will mean that the video will only appear right in the center of the screen, with black all around, just as I've demonstrated below.

How To Request A MicroMV Transfer
Please fill out the form at the top of the page and I will get back to you with in 2-3 days. Please be advised that I will not transfer copyrighted, pre-recorded tapes (i.e. Star Trek: The Motion Picture), as I will not be involved in blatant copyright violation.
Transfers To DVD
DVD transfers use Verbatim AZO DVD-minus-R discs. I've used Verbatim
for many years and these discs are, by far, the best discs; many other
professionals also use this brand of disc.
Transfers To Video Files
As of 2019, most people are opting to go with Video Files on a USB stick or Hard Drive. The largest USB stick available
in 2019 is a 2TB stick (which also costs about $1,500 USD) which would hold about the equivalent of 153 MicroMV tapes in DV-AVI/DV-MOV. You could get 20 MicroMV tapes on one 2TB USB stick in Uncompressed AVI format.
DV-AVI's/DV-MOV's use about 13GB per 60 minutes of video, while Uncompressed uses about 100 GB.
Transfers to 10-bit and 8-bit Uncompressed AVI/MOV's can also be done.
Transfers To Other Tape Formats
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None of your information is passed on to other companies.
Canadian residents please note that the appropriate tax shall be added to your total.
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Copyright 2012-2024 Trevor Thurlow Productions