8mm & Super8 Movie Film To 1080p File
By using a Wolverine Moviemaker Pro, I can scan your 8mm and Super8 films to file. (Sorry, I can only do silent transfers right now, no sound.) Scanning your film at a rate of 2-frames-per-second, this allows for a high quality frame-by-frame scan in 1080p. I make sure that the whole image is captured, so depending on how far into the sprocket hole area of the film, you could end up with a 1.37:1 image (when there is no picture between the holes) or a 1.66:1 widescreen image (when there is image between the holes.) I can also put these films on DVD in 1.37:1 and 1.66:1 480p.
8mm and Super 8mm films were also shot at various frame rates from 12 frames-per-second up to 24 frames-per-second. I'll make sure that your films playback at the correct speed.
Cost to transfer is $15 to go to file on USB stick or hard drive. For DVD it is $20. With DVD you get a DVD with a maximum of 2 hours, a custom menu that will link to your different videos, and printed on the DVD disc will be your film titles and a frame from your film. The disc will come in a standard black DVD keep case, with an insert that features the titles of your films and a frame from the different films.
Transfer Your Super8 & 8mm Film To 1080p USB Today!